Erlton Bike Shop

What’s New

Check out our shiny new website!

Two talented freelancers, Gabrielle Lee & Yanlexis Arizaga helped set us up with a new website!...

Stay Visible

As our daylight gets shorter it’s more and more important to stay visible on the roads. A few simple tips will help you stay safe and riding all this fall! 1. Clothing – Wear clothing with...

Layering Up for the Fall

I’ve already talked about how to layer up for the coldest months, but what about when it’s just a tad chilly? Layers are vital, more important in 50 – 60 degree weather than in 30...

Scenic Fall Rides

Schuylkill River Trail The Schuylkill River Trail was recently named the #1 urban bike trail in America, and for good reason. This 26 mile trail takes you through the beautiful scenic views of...

Bringing Your Bike To College

Among the many important things to remember to pack for college, a bicycle should be at the top of the list! Using a bike to get around campus is a quick and convenient way to stay in shape and save...